Empty Birdcage Records

Music and Painting

Since 2020 Beverley has been involved in a creative collaboration with Empty Birdcage Records - her paintings becoming the album cover artwork for a number of the label’s releases.

Empty Birdcage Records (emptybirdcagerecords.bandcamp.com) is a label dedicated to releasing documents of free improvisation on cd, tape, vinyl and DL the label was founded by the guitarist and improviser Daniel Thompson.

From using an existing painting for the first release, t’other, Beverley started painting in real-time whilst listening to an album’s content (no repeat listening, one listen/paint only). In the same way that each recording would last for a set time, so did the painting process. Brushes down at the end of the recording. Reacting to the sounds and immersing herself in sound and colour and mark making. Beverley normally builds her complex canvases up over time, building layers of texture and colour. Her ‘Empty Birdcage’ paintings are created differently with the paint applied quickly, wet on wet with brush, rags, fingers, sprays and palette knives.